
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Easy Taxi: The Solution to Commute Easily?

If you're scratching your head and wondering whether the CEO or marketing team of Easy Taxi paid me to write this, please stop scratching and save that energy to read on--and post a comment, if possible. I wouldn't promote anything that I haven't tried or that I do not plan to try. Besides, I doubt that the big bosses of Easy Taxi even know that there is a blog called All Writing Saudi. 

So, what's this Easy Taxi thing that every female colleague or friend keeps singing in my ears? 

If you're like me and you don't read the papers regularly or spend most of your time indoors, there are high chances that you haven't heard about Easy Taxi, let alone use their service.

What I know (or what I learnt)

  • The app confirms your location and with a single tap on "Call Taxi", you'll have a cab running over to pick you up.
  • Easy Taxi is safe, as all the drivers are registered with the company and you can see the name and photograph of the driver even before you hire them. If the driver looks like some guy from a thriller that you watched overnight, it's up to you to select another driver. You also have the option to talk to the driver if that makes you feel more comfortable.  
  • You do not need to go through the trouble of describing your location because Easy Taxi drivers are equipped with smartphones that have a GPS app. Plus, you can track your taxi and estimate when the car will be waiting for you at your doorstep.
  • No worries in the time department. Easy Taxi is available 24 on 24. 
  • There are no hidden charges, as the driver sets the taximeter only when the passenger is on board.

What I don't know

  • Easy Taxi claims that they select only good drivers. I wonder what they mean by "good". Did they attach a device to would-be drivers heads and ran tests to ensure that they had good intentions and manners? Was the "good" relative to their driving skills? 
  • They also claim that their drivers have been tested for safety and hygiene. I wonder whether they test the drivers each day to ensure that they do not smoke while transporting passengers. Do they test their drivers to make sure that their taxis are clean all day long? 

What do I draw from these?

Easy Taxi seems to be a promising service. I would be tempted to use their service if my spouse or longtime chauffeur wasn't available to drive me to my destination. 

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