
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ramadan Kareem

Dear readers,

I am sorry I have shied away from my blog for a very long time. I have been very busy with work and my "new baby". I hope to blog regularly when she gets older, insha'Allah. 

Ramadan, the month of mercy and blessings, has begun. Muslims around the world would refrain from eating during the day; however, they may eat before the sun rises and after it sets. 

As this month commences, I wish you all a happy Ramadan and many blessings.


  1. Ramadan kareem.

    félicitations pour la naissance de votre fille.

  2. Merci beaucoup. Ramadan kareem une fois de plus.

  3. Asalamu Alaikum ma sœur en islam. J'ai envoyé un mail à daprize@allwritingsaudi.j'espère que vous répondrez bientôt insha'Allah. Tara Umm Omar

  4. Walaikum salam ma soeur. C'est fait.


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